Laser Treatments
We’re proud to offer aesthetic skin treatments with the most up-to-date laser devices, including the latest Sciton Joule X laser and the Candela CO2RE laser. Developed by the world’s leading aesthetic laser engineers to treat many common skin care problems, these devices allow Dr. Samuels and her specially trained nurses to showcase their skills in providing treatments for wrinkle and pore-size reduction, skin smoothing and tightening, laser hair reduction and treatment of veins, redness and rosacea.
Aesthetic Fractional Laser Treatments
Aesthetic Fractional Laser Treatments
Dr. Samuels now offers CO2RE fractional laser resurfacing treatments. CO2RE precisely targets and treats superficial, middle and deep skin layers simultaneously. This lets us provide the most appropriate procedure with the maximum result for each facial area, all during the same treatment and with the least amount of downtime. C02RE Fractional Laser Resurfacing removes layers of skin tissue in a unique way that leaves surrounding skin intact to aid in healing. This procedure helps reduce age spots, fine lines, wrinkles, scarring, textural irregularities and dull tone and improves skin laxity.
Hybrid Fractional Laser Treatments
Hybrid Fractional Laser Treatments
HALO by Sciton is a hybrid fractional laser used to rejuvenate the face with less recovery time than many other treatments. With a single pass, HALO delivers both ablative and non-ablative wavelenghts to the same treatment area. Deep dermal rejuvenation is combined with epidermal renewal, resulting in superior results without significant downtime.
MicroLaser Peel
If you desire smoother, healthier, more vibrant skin and want more than microdermabrasion or light chemical peels but have little time for a prolonged healing process, then the Micro Laser Peel was designed for you.
Deep Laser Resurfacing
For the reduction of deeper wrinkles and deeper skin smoothing with real lightening, the Sciton® Contour system's combination of two lasers sets a new standard for laser resurfacing, allowing Dr. Samuels to precisely vary the depth and effect of your treatment. Your peel is tailored to match your skin condition and desired results within your allowable recovery period.
Laser Hair Removal
Sciton® Profile contains an infrared laser that can selectively target hair follicles. It's effective for more skin types than other laser systems. Even tanned skin can be more safely treated than before, although individuals with fair skin and dark hair achieve the best results.
Applications for Veins and Redness
Applications for Veins and Redness
The Sciton® Clear Scan laser is available for treatment of veins and redness. This laser uses infrared energy for the treatment of visible vessels, broken capillaries, spider veins, vascular lesions and skin discoloration. Popular areas are includee face, neck, and legs.
Sciton BBL Hero
Forever Young BBL
(Broadband Light)
Forever Young BBL
(Broadband Light)
BroadBand Light is an innovative technology that targets the signs of aging and sun damage through light therapy, effectively providing a more refreshed, rejuvenated and youthful appearance.
A study in the Journal of Investigative Dermatology shows that Sciton BroadBand Light (BBL) treatments can change the expression of genes associated with the aging process to more closely resemble young skin. The study supports the hypothesis that regulators of aging can be altered using BBL technology to provide a functional change, rather than a cosmetic mimic of youthful appearance.