AccuTite is a minimally invasive procedure for contouring the face and body. It shapes, contracts and contours skin and stubborn fat without the worry of large visible scars. AccuTite is similar to FaceTite and BodyTite but is made for areas where precision and exacting standards are needed. Overall, the treatment is similar to liposuction but does not include surgery.
Men and women can achieve the slim and youthful contours they desire with this remarkable procedure. Patients are left with natural-looking results without traditional procedure downtime.
AccuTite is a great solution for individuals who wish to reduce sagging skin and improve skin laxity after weight loss, pregnancy or aging.
Areas For AccuTite
AccuTite works wherever you have stubborn fat deposits and loose but firm skin and need precision and exacting control. AccuTite is made to accurately target areas of the face where saggy skin and fat tend to form. The eyes, neck and jawline are common treatment areas. Multiple areas can be treated in one visit, and patients usually undergo BodyTite and FaceTite contouring as well. Each zone takes approximately 15-20 minutes of treatment. If patients also desire skin smoothing in the same session, we can add a MORPHEUS8, Exion Fractional RF or CO2RE LASER RESURFACING treatment to the AccuTite treatment. We call this the JBSMD LYFT (AND FILL) PROCEDURE.
Frequently Asked Questions
AccuTite is a minimally invasive procedure performed under local anesthesia or light sedation. Post procedure, patients go home and resume regular activities shortly after. Wearing a compression garment is required for best results.
This is a less traumatic process with a natural looking final result. Areas appropriate for the use of AccuTite are the area around the eyes (periorbital), the lower face, nasolabial and jowl areas.
Results can be seen immediately, with best results noticeable after 6-12 weeks.
Before & After results
Schedule an
AccuTite Consultation
For more information about AccuTite and to see if you are a good candidate for this procedure, schedule a consultation with Dr. Samuels at 502-897-9411.
Our practice serves Louisville, KY and the surrounding area.