9419 Norton Commons Blvd.
Suite 101, Prospect, KY 40059

Breast Lift Mastopexy

Women who experience sagging of the breasts due to pregnancy, breast feeding, age, weight loss or aging breast implants may desire a breast lift to restore upper pole fullness or cleavage or to provide a perkier breast. A breast lift can also incorporate a reduction of the areola at the same time if desired.

If a woman does not possess enough breast tissue to result in a nice shape with a lift alone, it may be necessary to add a breast implant for shaping or to restore adequate upper pole fullness. The addition of an implant isn’t always recommended just for enlarging the breast, but can also be used as a small shaping device when sufficient tissue is lacking to provide an attractive upper pole shape or cleavage with a breast lift. If a breast implant is indicated, the style and size are determined in a bio-dimensional approach individualized for each patient and chosen based on patient desires and chest measurements. Both round and shaped implants are appropriate in an augmentation mastopexy.

stages of sagging

The pattern of breast lift incisions varies. Dr. Samuels strives to use as few incisions as possible, and places them in areas that are easier to conceal with bras, bathing suits and clothing. The recommended lift depends on the amount of loose skin and tissue the patient possesses. Sometimes, adding volume with simultaneous use of a breast implant can reduce the amount of loose tissue remaining and may reduce the number or length of lift incisions used. In most cases, when an implant is recommended along with a breast lift, it’s possible to perform both procedures at the same time.

Even though there is an incision around the areola in a breast lift of all three varieties, the nipple is not removed from the underlying tissues. Therefore, after breast lifting, 95% of women maintain nipple sensation, erectile function and the ability to breastfeed in the future.

Types of Mastopexy


This is often referred to as a nipple lift. An incision is made around the areola, both to reduce its size if excessive as well as to raise its position on the breast. However, there is no significant lift of tissue with this type of lift.


For this type of lift, a vertical incision is added around the areola and toward the breast fold. Since skin is removed around the areola as well as in the central lower pole of the breast, a modest lift of both tissue and nipple may result.


For patients with more loose skin and tissue than can be accommodated with the lesser two varieties of lifting, an incision in the breast fold may be added to the donut and lollipop to remove more lower pole skin. This type of lift gives the greatest lift of the breast, and the additional fold incision is well concealed by the fold itself.

Frequently Asked Questions

Women with small or sagging breasts or women who are happy with the size of the breasts but want volume restored in the upper pole or cleavage area are good candidates for breast lifts. A mastopexy may be performed regardless of breast size, but results may not last as long in women with heavy breast tissue. For women who may be planning additional children after surgery, remember that pregnancy ages the breasts; further breast lifting may be necessary after additional children or breast feeding. Weight loss may lead to a loss of skin elasticity and the loss of some of the results of breast lift surgery, so it’s wise to proceed with breast lifting when a patient is near their goal weight.

Dr. Samuels will discuss your goals and recommend the best type of lift for you based on the amount of loose tissue present with or without implants. Dr. Samuels’ personal philosophy includes use of the fewest, shortest incisions possible and adding other incisions incrementally to deliver the best, most long-lasting result.

Depending on patient age and family history, Dr. Samuels may require patients to have a mammogram prior to surgery. It is recommended that breastfeeding be discontinued at least three months prior to breast lift surgery. If you use nicotine, be prepared to discontinue it at least six weeks prior to surgery and to not resume for at least six weeks following surgery; this will optimize healing and avoid unsightly scars or complications around an implant. Dr. Samuels and her staff give you specific instructions regarding surgical preparation and any medications to avoid in the two-week period surrounding your surgery.

Surgery is performed under a light general anesthetic in Dr. Samuels’ fully Quad A accredited in-suite operating room. 

Recovery time varies from two to ten days of  using light dressings under a bra. If a breast implant is utilized, the Quick Recovery Technique is used. See our blog posts for more information on this technique. Patients may resume normal daily activities immediately and strenuous activities or workouts six weeks after incisions are healed.

before & after Results

Schedule A breast lift Consultation

For more information about breast lift or to see if you’re a good candidate for this procedure, schedule a consultation with Dr. Samuels at 502-897-9411.

Our practice serves Louisville, KY and the surrounding areas.