9419 Norton Commons Blvd.
Suite 101, Prospect, KY 40059

Fall into a Better Body: Loss of Muscle Mass During Weight Loss

While no one doubts the health benefits of maintaining a healthy weight, rapid weight loss can tip the scales (pun intended) between the balance of fat mass loss and lean body mass loss.  Muscle mass loss is part-and parcel to losing weight whether the weight loss occurs via diet and exercise, bariatric surgery or medications.  Rapid weight loss increases the chance of losing more muscle mass (lean body mass, which also includes fluid losses) than fat loss however.  Participants in the primary clinical trial for semaglutide (the STEP 1 study) lost an average of 10.4% of their fat mass and 6.9% of their lean body mass.  Typically during weight loss, physicians will suggest that our patients enlist in strength training (resistance training) to focus on building muscle mass as the weight loss occurs.  But is there an easier way? 

One of our favorite corporate partners in the device manufacturing world, BTL Industries, has spent much time and vast resources developing the best tech on the market to strengthen and tone muscles all over the body…the core, the pelvic floor, the buttocks, the legs, the arms and even the face and neck.  Many clinical trials and resulting publications have shown that we can positively impact muscle mass, fat loss and skin toning in a very meaningful way through the use of high-intensity magnetic and electrical stimulation energy synchronized with radiofrequency.  The devices are called EMSCULPT NEO, EMSELLA, EMFACE and EXION, and many patients are using these devices while losing weight on various medications such as Metformin and semaglutide, but they also help when patients choose to lose weight the old-fashioned way with diet and exercise.  We have participated in several of these clinical trials, and the resulting publications are listed on our website under ‘Publications”.  (Stay tuned for more exciting updates from BTL, as there are really no competitors on the market today when it comes to simultaneous muscle strengthening, fat loss and skin tightening!)

The BTL devices offer a simple, no downtime solution to building muscle, losing fat and tightening skin in packages of 4 treatments…each treatment requiring as little as 20 – 30 minutes and are the equivalent to roughly 12 – 16 weeks in the gym.  Even fitness trainers tout the results, and patients do not have to be at goal weight to begin treatment.  Literally any body area is fair game, and results begin to be seen immediately!

Fall is the perfect time to come in and schedule a personal consultation with me or my nurses to put together a customized plan for maximizing your results during your own weight loss journey!  We are offering very attractive package pricing for a limited time!  To schedule your own private complimentary consultation (we’re calling this “Fall into a Better Body” Consultation Series), call Teia, our New Patient Coordinator, to find a time that works for you. Please also visit the website pages above before your consultation to become better informed and read all the publications provided.

Happy Fall Y’all!
