January 2017
Study Shows CO2RE Intima Improves Vaginal Health with High Patient Satisfaction by: Kevin A. Wilson
Adding versatility and value to the CO2RE laser system for aesthetic rejuvenation and wrinkle reduction, the new CO2RE Intima module from Syneron Candela (Irvine, Calif.) provides physicians with a top tier technology for non-invasive vaginal tissue remodeling that’s both patient and user-friendly, meeting a growing need in the field of women’s intimate health and wellness. With the CO2RE Intima module physicians can remodel and restore the tissue of the vaginal wall and vulvar to improve not only the aesthetic appearance of women’s external genitalia (including vulvar dystrophy and dyschromia), but overall functional vaginal health as well, providing a relatively inexpensive treatment with appeal for women of all ages.
“All women experience these changes at some point, and the previous treatment offerings do not compare with CO2RE Intima in terms of risk, downtime, side effects, compliance, safety or results.”