The aging process, dissatisfaction with facial features, sun damage, imperfections and genetics can all cause patients to feel unhappy with their appearance. Dr. Samuels offers surgical facial rejuvenation options that help our patients look their best and feel more confident in their appearances. In her surgical facial rejuvenation procedures Dr. Samuels strives to create a classically rendered result that is not too harsh or too “operated” in its appearance, and she never uses heavy general anesthesia. All surgical facial rejuvenation procedures take place in our fully Quad-A credentialed in-suite surgical facility and are customized based on each patient’s needs and goals. Our surgical facial rejuvenation procedures include facelift, rhinoplasty, blepharoplasty, forehead lift, chin implant, and face and neck liposuction. Dr. Samuels trained at the prestigious University of Texas Southwestern in Dallas and learned from the world’s leading cosmetic facial and rhinoplasty surgeons, so her techniques are not only more thorough than most cosmetic surgeons in our area, but also provide more naturally restorative and balanced results with quicker healing times. These results are also some of the most long-lasting results in the industry, and are results that we try to maintain over time using our plethora of minimally invasive or nonsurgical options, so that our patients do not too frequently perform revision surgical procedures that can lead to the “over-operated” look.
Although we invite you to spend some time perusing our minimally invasive or completely nonsurgical facial rejuvenation procedures below, here are a few of our favorite “Facelift Alternatives”.
For patients who do not desire a traditional surgical facelift, Dr. Samuels has pioneered several minimally invasive or nonsurgical face and neck rejuvenative options. Although the traditional surgical facelift remains the “gold standard” in terms of overall tightening and lifting of lax facial and neck tissues, facelifts do not improve skin and soft tissue quality, replace lost volume or smooth the external skin surface. Dr. Samuels thoroughly believes that the minimally invasive options can not only delay the age at which a patient may choose to undergo a surgical facial rejuvenation procedure, but these lesser invasive options can also serve as excellent pre-juvenation options, can be viable alternatives to a surgical lift and can help to maintain a surgical lift without undergoing further surgical procedures. Many of these options provide at least 30- 50% of the results of a traditional surgical facelift, depending upon the age of the patient and the quality of their skin and soft tissues.
These alternative options are several: first, the JBSMD Lyft and Fill procedure is a minimally invasive procedure that lifts and contours the face and neck and provides newly resurfaced skin. Six weeks later, patients can choose to add either Sculptra or fillers to restore lost volume and to complete this minimally invasive result. We typically perform this procedure under awake local sedation or light IV sedation, and there is a quick 1-2 week recovery. This procedure includes Renuvion or FaceTite for the neck (with or without liposuction of the neck and jowls), AccuTite for the lower face and jowls, and Morpheus8 of the face and neck in a single step. Second, Profound of the face and neck is another popular nonsurgical alternative which can be used to contour away unwanted fat of the jowls and neck, tighten skin of the face and neck and create new dermal volume in the nasolabial folds and midface. The CO2RE laser is frequently added to the Profound procedure to also smooth the skin.
The facelift is a surgical procedure that can improve many issues that affect the appearance. It can reverse sun damage and signs of aging and resolve the visible effects of smoking. The goal of a facelift is to make patients look like a younger version of themselves. This procedure addresses the mid and lower facial area, jawline and neck. It helps patients achieve tighter skin by addressing jowls and skin laxity that affects the neck.
The Deep Plane SMAS Technique
Dr. Samuels uses the deep plane SMAS technique during surgical facelift procedures, learned while training in Dallas under the world-renowned Dr. Fritz Barton. This technique provides patients with the most natural-looking and long-lasting results and improves how the face and neck age after the procedure.
Patients who undergo this procedure are cared for during their overnight stay by highly skilled private-duty nurses who closely monitor blood pressure and take steps to reduce bruising to shorten patient recovery. Most patients can expect to wear makeup two weeks post-op. We recommend that patients avoid strenuous activity for six weeks.
(Eyelid Surgery)
(Eyelid Surgery)
More than any other facial feature, your eyes reveal the most about how you feel. When your eyes are bright and alert, you appear energized, well rested and in control. However, if you have lower eyelid puffiness, dark circles or drooping upper lids, others may assume you are fatigued, angry or unhappy. Even the smallest changes to the eyelids can help a patient look younger and more vibrant.
Forehead Lift
(Brow Lift)
(Brow Lift)
A forehead lift, also called a brow lift, is a rejuvenating surgical procedure that can make the upper half of the face appear more youthful and refreshed. It can correct some of the most common signs of aging on the upper half of the face, including loose skin that causes the eyebrows to appear lower. It can also correct horizontal creases and wrinkles across the forehead and eliminate expression lines or frown lines between the eyebrows.
Both men and women who are unhappy with drooping brows and aging foreheads make good candidates for this procedure. Most patients can return to work one week after the procedure and resume normal daily activities, including light exercise. We recommend that patients avoid significant weight loss after the procedure as it can negatively affect the results. Patients must avoid extremely strenuous exercise for at least six weeks.
Rhinoplasty is a form of surgical facial rejuvenation that aims to improve the aesthetics of the nose. Patients who are unhappy with the appearance of their noses or have noses with visual imperfections, including humps, dips, plunges, asymmetry, flared nostrils and other imperfections, make good candidates for this procedure.
In designing a surgical treatment plan, Dr. Samuels considers your ultimate aesthetic goals while also carefully evaluating your facial structure and the relationship of your nose to other facial features, specifically the lips and chin. In some cases, the lip and chin will require alteration for the best facial proportions and balance. All rhinoplasty procedures are performed under very light general anesthesia.
Chin Implant
Anatomical facial implants are used to enhance the chin contour to enhance the facial profile.
Minimally Invasive and
Non-surgical Procedures
Facelift Alternatives
Liposuction of the jowls and neck, with the addition of energy-based skin tightening and smoothing devices, has become a very popular alternative to the traditional surgical facelift. This minimally invasive surgical technique, called JBSMD Lyft and Fill, focuses on treating the jawline and neck to eliminate jowls and improve the appearance of the neck. A skin tightening device such as Facetite, or Renuvion and Accutite, plus skin smoothing by Morpheus8 or CO2RE laser aid in facial smoothing and contouring. We can add fillers or Sculptra approximately six weeks later for added lifting and filling. This is an outpatient procedure performed under IV sedation with a week of recovery.
Another facelift alternative is the use of Profound microneedling with radiofrequency (with or without CO2RE laser resurfacing) to improve elasticity and add dermal volume (collagen) in a single treatment with one week of recovery and no anesthesia.
These alternative procedures deliver exceptional results without requiring that patients plan around the downtime required for a surgical facelift. They deliver one-third to one-half of the surgical results, are one-fourth of the cost and require one week of recovery time. We can add Sculptra or other dermal fillers to these facelift alternatives to promote added volume which really “finishes” the result, and repeating these alternative options every several years just adds to their overall results.
JBSMD Lyft and Fill
JBSMD Lyft and Fill is a minimally invasive surgical procedure for face and neck. We use AccuTite, FaceTite and Morpheus8 resurfacing in a single first step (2 hours, awake/local or IV sedation, outpatient) with or without liposuction, followed up 4-6 weeks later with Restylane fillers.
RadioFrequency Minimally Invasive Face/Neck lift
RadioFrequency Minimally Invasive Face/Neck lift
FaceTite™, AccuTite™ and Renuvion® are popular, minimally invasive skin rejuvenation treatments that improve the appearance of the face and neck by targeting unwanted fat cells and stimulating natural collagen production. We can perform all of these treatments with or without liposuction to remove excess fat cells from the jawline and neck.
AccuTite is an advanced, minimally invasive technology for the precise treatment of delicate areas through soft tissue coagulation. It delivers unparalleled clinical results in a single treatment.
Helium plasma RadioFrequency for Minimally Invasive Skin Tightening
Helium plasma RadioFrequency for Minimally Invasive Skin Tightening
Renuvion Cosmetic Technology offers unparalleled instant skin tightening, shrinking and rejuvenation results utilizing J-Plasma energy during an in-office, minimally invasive procedure.
Emface is a non-invasive cosmetic treatment that combines RF (radiofrequency) energy and HIFES (High-Intensity Facial Electrical Stimulation) to rejuvenate facial appearance. By heating the skin's dermal layers, it stimulates collagen and elastin production for firmer, more elastic skin, while HIFES tones and lifts facial muscles for a non-surgical facelift effect. This dual-action approach addresses wrinkles, sagging, and volume loss, offering a holistic facial rejuvenation without surgery or downtime, making it suitable for those seeking a youthful appearance without invasive methods.
Exion RF Microneedling is a minimally invasive cosmetic technique that merges microneedling with radiofrequency (RF) energy for improved skin rejuvenation and tightening. It employs a device with fine needles to create micro-injuries on the skin, triggering natural healing and collagen production, while RF energy heats the deeper skin layers to boost collagen and elastin. This dual action reduces wrinkles, scars, and enhances skin texture and firmness.
Morpheus8 is a minimally invasive device for fractional coagulation of subcutaneous tissue. Morpheus8 provides an interchangeable portfolio of microneedling tips to deliver customizable fractional treatments.
Microneedling for Facial Wrinkles and Scar Reduction
Microneedling for Facial Wrinkles and Scar Reduction
Dr. Samuels is proud to introduce to this region the first dual-indicated, FDA-approved microneedling treatment for reduction of acne scars and facial wrinkles.
Fractora RF
Microneedling with Radiofrequncy
Microneedling with Radiofrequncy
Fractora is a non-invasive procedure that can be used on all areas of the face, including upper and lower eyelids and lip lines, to improve skin texture issues such as acne scarring, stretch marks, fine lines, wrinkles and skin laxity.
Microneedling with Radiofrequncy
Microneedling with Radiofrequncy
Profound tightens skin of both the face and neck without surgery or prolonged recovery.
Exilis Ultra 360
Exilis Ultra 360 is an FDA-approved nonsurgical treatment that smooths delicate skin around the eyes, mouth and jawline as well as stubborn love handles, cellulite and fat deposits, all while creating firmer, more youthful-looking skin.
Sciton Halo
Halo by Sciton is a fractional laser used to rejuvenate the face with less recovery time than many other treatments. With a single pass over the skin, HALO delivers both ablative and non-ablative wavelengths. With Halo, deep dermal rejuvenation is combined with epidermal renewal, resulting in superior results without significant downtime.
Sciton BBL Hero
BBL treatments promote the appearance of youthful skin. This study reveals that the appearance of younger skin may be due to differences observed in gene expression patterns of aged skin becoming more like young skin. Treatments from the study were performed on FDA-cleared Sciton Joule using the BBL module.
CO2RE precisely targets and treats superficial, middle and deep skin layers simultaneously. This allows us to provide the most appropriate procedure with the maximum result for each facial area during the same treatment, with the least amount of downtime.
Prp Facials & Facelifts
With PRP treatment, you’ll notice immediate improvements in your appearance and your results will only get better over time. Dr. Samuels offers the PRP Facelift that will both change your skin and improve your appearance.
Skin Care
Let us help you incorporate new skin care products into your existing skincare regimen at very low cost.
Injectables are commonly used by cosmetic, dermatological and plastic surgeons to soften deep folds and reduce wrinkles in the face.
Fat Transfer
Fat transfer, also known as fat grafting or fat injection, is a cosmetic procedure where fat is harvested from one part of the body (such as the abdomen or thighs) through liposuction and then injected into another area (such as the face, breasts, or buttocks) to enhance volume and contour. It is commonly used to augment facial features, restore lost volume, or improve body proportions, providing a natural and long-lasting alternative to synthetic fillers.
Maintaining Your Results
Dr. Samuels recommends that facial rejuvenation patients, even surgical facelift patients, maintain their results by scheduling subsequent treatments that use non-invasive energy-based techniques, since facelifts do not replace volume or treat the surface of the aging skin, and since the aging process continues. These devices can also help to restore elasticity years after any procedure. She also recommends customized treatment plans that include injectables, lasers, microneedling, neurotoxin use and professional-grade skin care for long-lasting results.