The Pelvic Power

For Life, Pleasure And Fitness

Whether it’s a result of age, childbirth or simply a cosmetic insecurity, women are regularly asking about treatments to address urinary incontinence and other intimacy concerns.

What causes unwelcome vaginal tissue changes with childbirth and aging?

  • Age: Vaginal laxity, OR tightness and dryness, can occur naturally with aging from gradual weakening and atrophy of vaginal muscles and thinning of tissue due to reduced collagen and elastin levels. These changes worsen when loss of one’s own estrogen occurs, either in menopause or with some anti-estrogen therapies (as in hormonally sensitive cancer treatments). These changes progress with age and can also lead to stress urinary incontinence eventually.
  • Menopause: With the drop in one’s own natural estrogen levels associated with menopause, tissues become thinner and atrophic, such that many women report laxity (and/or tightness) which can be accompanied by dryness, itching, painful sex, frequent trauma or vaginal infections, and many times urinary incontinence. As the pH changes within the vagina due to the estrogen loss, which normally nourishes the vaginal tissues, changes progressively worsen, even if one takes hormone replacement therapy (which only affects the top layer of vaginal tissue). Our vaginal devices can reverse all of these changes, affecting the most superficial tissues all the way down to the muscle level.
  • Multiple vaginal births: Multiple vaginal deliveries can weaken the vaginal tissues and muscles, including the urinary sphincter and walls of the female urethra (whose entire length runs along the roof of the vaginal canal). The trauma of childbirth by vaginal delivery can also damage the vaginal tissues and lead to frequent vaginal infections or UTIs.
  • Trauma. Childbirth or other injuries can cause damage to muscles of the pelvic floor which surround and maintain the position and shape of the vagina.

Frequently Asked Questions

This procedure is a great option for women who desire nonsurgical improvement of their intimate health. ULTRA FEMME 360™ provides a safe and effective treatment that can work wonders comfortably, with no downtime. Ultra Femme 360 is good for all ages of women dealing with laxity or atrophic changes and tightness, or women who wish to be proactive with their vaginal aging and desire a procedure without associated recovery.  We frequently combine Ultra Femme 360 with the O-Shot for added sensual pleasure, or with EMSELLA for a more thorough option to treat urinary incontinence that goes beyond stress-induced urinary incontinence.

There is no downtime, so you can resume normal activity immediately. We recommend three treatments, each one month apart, as well as a single maintenance treatment annually thereafter to maintain results over time.

UltraFemme 360 is a quick, in-office, 8-minute radiofrequency procedure to help with feminine issues. It’s an effective, nonsurgical alternative to vaginoplasty and labiaplasty procedures, and can even correct Grades 1 and 2 prolapse.

UltraFemme 360 uniformly elevates temperature in the vaginal canal and labial area. This stimulates collagen production and increases blood flow for rejuvenation.

The results are tightening of lax labia and vaginal tissues, or increased distensibility and elasticity if tissues are already tight, improvement in the size of the vaginal opening and canal, as well as improved lubrication and sensation.  You’ll see these results:   

  • Restored lubrication and tone
  • Improved female sexual function
  • Rejuvenation of the labia majora
  • Firming and lifting of the labia minora
  • Improved elasticity of the vaginal opening
  • Improved elasticity of the vaginal canal
  • Improved elasticity of the perineum (tissue surrounding the vaginal canal and including the pelvic floor)
  • Improved stress urinary incontinence

For best results, we recommend three 20-minute treatments and an annual treatment touch-up to maintain results. As with all of our vaginal device packages, you own the single-patient-use sterile, hygienic handpiece, so single annual maintenance treatments can be discounted.

Patients have reported improvements after a single treatment session. Results typically continue to improve over the next few months. With no downtime, you may resume normal activity immediately after the treatment.


Before & After


After pregnancy or menopause, over 50% of women suffer from vaginal laxity or atrophic vaginitis and urinary incontinence, and most are uncomfortable discussing it. Dr. Samuels and her staff will make you feel completely at ease as soon as you enter the office. During the initial consultation, Dr. Samuels listens to your concerns and questions and recommends the best solution for your specific needs.

For more information about ULTRA FEMME 360™ or to see if you’re a good candidate for this procedure, schedule a consultation with Dr. Samuels at 502-897-9411.

Our practice serves Louisville, KY and the surrounding areas.